VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Panorama - Summoner's lift
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Hexagon set - Marksman champions
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Hexagon set
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Panorama - Dynasty Ahri
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Single set - LoL Keyart
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Single set - BEEMO
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Single set - Porcelain Protector Ezreal
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Single set - Spirit blossom Yone & Ahri
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Hexagon set - Yordle
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Hexagon set - Marksman champions
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends Panorama - ZAUN & PILTOVER
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends HEXAGON SET – Fighter champions
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends HEXAGON SET – Champions for position
VIXUM®DECO League of Legends HEXAGON SET – Marksman champion symbols